Sara A. Smiley, AP, DOM, recently joined Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies from Boulder, CO. One of her specialties? Menopause. It’s a normal transition for women, but one that some find easier than others. Many women experience severe night sweats, hot flashes, fatigue, depression, and/or irritability. Menopause can also be a time when new medical issues begin to materialize. Sara explains that the combination of careful herbal formulations, acupuncture and simple dietary adjustments can make this transition a simple and pleasant process.
Many women have tried products such as black cohosh, soy concentrate or dang gui with little to no success. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we are careful to take the time to look at a detailed medical history plus some advanced diagnostic techniques such as tongue and pulse diagnostics. These details allow us to create herbal and acupuncture point combinations to address the pattern of symptoms of each woman as an individual. Sara’s experience creates a balance that embodies health and wellness.
Sara further explains that soy is not always helpful. She recommends specific foods based on the unique medical history of each person. However, in general, she finds that eating more root vegetables, in addition to dark green, bitter vegetables, is helpful in reducing the severity of symptoms. Certain foods may trigger an increase in hot flashes such as hard liquor and red wine (yes, that’s right – white wine has less of an effect in many people).
Sara has taken a special interest in menopause and she treated many women in Colorado. She is excited to bring her advanced skills to the women of the Tampa Bay area to help create the necessary balance needed to live more comfortably. To make an appointment at Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, call 727-551-0857 and ask to schedule with Sara Smiley, Acupuncture Physician and national board certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine.
For more information about Sara, visit her Bio.
Sara will be teaching two free lectures in December. For details on upcoming events, visit the Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies Facebook event list.