Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies’ Acupuncture Physicians, Massage Therapists, staff and friends conquered the Harvey’s 5K on Thursday, March 21st, a run held annually by the St. Petersburg Suncoasters benefitting the arts and music programs in Pinellas County schools.
You will usually find Sara Smiley biking or training for a half marathon, Adam Bailey practicing Kung Fu or Qigong, and Val Mirea swimming in open water or practicing Qigong, but all convened on Thursday evening to kick off the Honda Grand Prix festivities.
The 3.1 mile course weaved through the Downtown St. Pete area, beginning and ending at North Straub Park. For several at Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, it was their first official race and for others, it was their first running experience, but all made an impressive effort. Four staff members even finished under 30 minutes. Keep an eye out for Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies members – running is addictive. This won’t be the last race!